Our Projects

AT LAB has a keen interest in sector development work and we are currently working on projects that have a focus on therapeutic supports, assistive technology, disability, and regional and remote service delivery.

We can provide support with project proposals and planning, and project support in lead and/or partnership roles, and expert consultation as required. If you would like assistance with any project work or to discuss any of our existing projects please contact AT LAB.


Groote Eylandt Assistive Technology Feasibility Study

AT LAB worked with the Machado Joseph Disease Foundation (MJDF) who were successful in obtaining a grant from the NDIA’s CCID program to fund the Groote Eylandt Assistive Technology Feasibility Study.

AT LAB and the MJDF investigated the potential for setting up Assistive Technology specific allied health, procurement, repairs/maintenance services and provide recommendations to guide future service provision.


Remote Wheelchair Maintenance Workshop

AT LAB obtained a grant from the Northern Territory Government’s NDIS Sector Development Fund Innovation Grant Program to develop a training resource that builds the knowledge and practical skills of participants, families/carers and service providers to better support appropriate use and care of wheelchairs in remote settings.

It is anticipated that training participants will gain an understanding of:

  • what wheelchair supports exist in the NT.
  • how to access Assistive Technology supports through the NDIS.
  • how to identify wheelchair types, parts and functions.
  • how to complete basic wheelchair maintenance, problem identification and trouble-shooting.
  • how to engage external service providers to resolve wheelchair issues efficiently and effectively.
  • what opportunities exist for service providers to support wheelchair users in community.

AT LAB is a registered NDIS provider. NDIS providers are individuals or organisations that deliver a support or service to a participant of the NDIS.
Assistive Technology Lab (AT LAB)
ABN: 49 123 924 715
NDIS: 40500 25960
Phone: 0410 544 731
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: PO BOX 40583, CASUARINA NT 0811